Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Day We've Been Waiting for Since January 20, 2001

Happy Inauguration Day! I know some of you aren't thrilled about who is being sworn in, but come on...you have to admit we need SOMEONE ELSE in the White House. Anyone. Plus, I put up with your guy for eight years. Time to switch it up here.

I had an interesting conversation with Evan. He was on my lap as I was looking up the official start time for the Big Event and he pointed at Obama's picture and asked, "Who is that?" I explained that he was going to be our new president, and we were really excited about that. "Why?" (It should be noted here that "Why?" is a common, automatic response to anything anyone says ever. It should also be noted that this is freaking exhausting.) "Well, because every four years we get to elect our president, and this man was elected." I went on to try and give a civics lesson to a toddler, which may be completely futile, but whatever. Obama will likely be the first president he remembers (Reagan was mine - how about you?) and this is a big deal. At some point he will understand the historic nature of Obama's victory, and how so many people have a renewed faith and energy with a new administration. Plus, I seriously think Evan could be president* one day (I mean, why not?) and I'd like him to grow up with an awareness of how our government functions and the possibilities for his future.

A friend of mine pointed out that our elections really are a thing to behold in terms of a peaceful transfer of power. No bloodshed (unless you count the time I fell in the parking lot of my polling place and was bleeding from the leg, which, uh, wasn't really THAT big of a deal but dude, could I be a bigger spazz?) or violence. It was simply time for the people to cast their ballots, we did, the end. I have been able to respectfully disagree with people in my office, in my neighborhood and in my own family without fear of being harmed. Remarkable, really.

So I hope that no matter your party affiliation or thoughts on our new president, you can at least take a minute to reflect on that and be grateful.

*Not that I am pushing him to do or be anything he doesn't want, just trying to be supportive.

1 comment:

FraochNiCymru said...

I love you anyway...Enjoy the day. Me? I'm hiding in the woods for the next 4 years hoping the guy doesnt sell us to Mexico.

I wish him luck.