Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Favorite Things 3: So You're Feeling Broke, Eh?

Seems like most people I know (including myself) have resolved to be a bit more mindful of the finances in 2009. Not uncommon to vow to cut back on the spending right after the holidays, and a lot of us are scaling back on the luxuries in the wake of recession talk and layoffs. But sometimes we need a pick-me-up especially when things are sucky. There are ways to look and feel fabulous without completely depriving yourself. Here are some of the things that help this girl with the champagne taste live the high life on a Pabst Blue Ribbon budget.

Shopping options are limited around here, people, so don't be shocked that everything I buy is from either Target or Trader Joe's.

Side note to the fellas in the house: scroll down to the bottom for something that might interest you. Unless, you know, you care about cosmetics or want to surprise a lady in your life with something fun. Whatevs.

Cover Girl LipSlicks: I know, I know, right? Cover Girl LipSlick? Are we getting ready for the 7th grade dance? Hear me out. Holly Burns over at Nothing But Bonfires turned me onto this stuff in "Daring" and I figured that if I hated it, I was out $3.50 and could always give it to a friend. I have been pleasantly surprised and pleased: natural pink shade with a little shine, doesn't dry out my lips, and I don't have to order it online or trek to a city to find it at Sephora. In fact, I am wearing it right now and damn it if I don't look fantastic. Plus, dude, it's only $3.50!

Maybelline Superstay: Round 2 of "CKD Finds Something Cool Due to Obsessive Reading of Strangers' Blogs and Oh Look! It's Another Goddamn Lipstick Because You Can Never Have Too Many, Right?" I've always wanted to be able to pull off red lipstick but thought that my pasty Irish farmer girl looks meant that was a no-go. Then Maggie Mason of Mighty Goods recommended this stuff in "Wine" and I thought, "Hey, she's kinda pale and has red hair too. Maybe..." Skeptical that a.) I could pull off the red and b.) a $9.49 tube of lipstick would really, truly, seriously last all night, I went for it and am in LOVE. OK, maybe not LOVE but I'd let this stuff get to second base on the first date, no question. I had to scrub and use make-up remover to get it off, so yeah, it really, truly, seriously lasts all night. It does dry out your lips a little, but for under $10 you can get yourself some chapstick, right?

Trader Joe's Purify Tangerine Sugar Scrub: Hot damn, kids, this stuff kicks the ass of all the "fancy" exfoliators and scrubs out there. Trader Joe's never fails to please, and this is no exception. A little bit of this $6.49 miracle scrub goes a long way, which means a tub will last you a long time. A lot of people like salt scrubs, but this delicate flower finds them a bit too harsh. Sugar scrubs smell better (in my opinion) and do the job just as well. (I hear Trader Joe's makes a good salt scrub, too, so if you are a fan of those, give it a whirl. I mean, I'm not the boss of you.) I still have to use lotion since my skin is crazy-dry but you "normal" types could probably forgo that extra step.

Cal Java Coffee: If you bring in your own mug, a cup of coffee at Cal Java costs $1.60. Most days I make my own at home, but every once in awhile I like to go in, chit-chat with the girls behind the counter, and allow Coffee Guy to slip me some extra banana bread (not a euphemism, unfortunately). Speaking of, a moment of silence: this is Coffee Guy's last week at Cal Java and he is moving to Hawaii at the end of the month. CKD is crestfallen, but will soldier on. OK, yes, back to the coffee: $1.60 (and unlimited free refills if you hang out) feels like a small price to pay for some caffeinated goodness and fantastic company. What? No Cal Java near you? Go find your own local roaster to support. I'm betting it will be cheaper AND better than one of the 27 Starbucks in your neighborhood.

Charles Shaw Wine: With the economy in the toilet, we're gonna need some booze, right? As a cheapskate and total lush, I love this stuff. Living in San Francisco, land of the overpriced cocktail and wine snobs, meant that I had to find ways to enjoy some booze without blowing my food and drink budget to hell. Enter Two Buck Chuck. Honorable mentions to Yellow Tail and Barefoot for other low-priced wine options.


Mo said...

"Slip me some extra banana bread"... classic.
Happy New Year CKD! Hope the next Coffee Guy makes you forget this one quick!

CKD said...

Somehow I knew you'd find that funny! Yeah, when I write stuff like that I'm glad my grandma doesn't know I have a blog. Happy New Year to you too, Mo!

Lady Goss Goss said...

I totally second ALL those products you mentioned. I use all of them and am in love. I used to buy Fresh's Brown Sugar Scrub for $65 a tub, but one day I thought I'd give the TJ's one a whirl and I like it BETTER. Good stuff.

My lipstick lasted through all my NYE makeouts, drinks, and food. If that doesn't sell a product, I don't know what will.

Love the banana bread remark.

CKD said...

Heh, glad to see the banana bread comment was appreciated. I saw pictures of you from NYE and I have no doubt you had plenty of make out partners, Hottie. My red lipstick lasted through pizza, a soda, and Cirque du Soleil. Woo!

BandonRandon said...

You're favorite things is one of my favorite things about your blog. As far as you're Grandma not knowing you blog, I think Grandma Pat would've enjoyed that remark. Keep the favorite things coming.

CKD said...

Aw, thannks, B! Maybe I'll do a favorite things all about my family. You'd totally make the list.

I think Grandma Pat would have laughed, too, and then gotten all serious and been like, "So, are you dating this guy? Any potential?" Ha!

Southern Helle said...

I busted out the Two Buck Chuck recently and was surprised at how the wine snobs turned up their noses. Are they kidding? I LOVE Two Buck Chuck. Silly wine snobs.