Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Cece! aka "It's Awesome, Baby, It's Awesome!"

Oh Cecilia...when I think of all the times we were doubled over laughing over something ridiculous, I realize how lucky I was to have such great comic relief and compassion rolled into one during the Puge years. I am lucky to have you in my life today, even though you aren't down the hall anymore.

Cece and I met freshman year in Regester Hall, the all-female dorm (which had more males wandering the halls at any given time of the day, but I digress) and shared a house at 4306 (House of Fatty! What up?). During a freshman mixer, I saw Cece dancing and singing along to "Insane in the Membrane" by Cypress Hill and knew this chick was a keeper.

A few reasons why I love her:

Cece is an amazing dancer. The girl can dance for hours in the basement of a frat house and incite men to do crazy things in the name of impressing her. Exhibit A: the Big Dipper. One night at Sigma Chi (Beach Party? I think?) she was up on a platform dancing with some equally skilled dude when the next thing I know her head is down by mine on the main floor. Which means the Big Dipper had positioned one hand against the rafter and was using the other to dip her down into the crowd while they continued to shake it. He pretty much set the bar for dance partners and I think it's safe to say no one else has come close.

Cece's love of pranks and making others laugh endeared her to many, with the exception of her humorless, annoying roommate Andrea. I'm not sure if her oldest child status means she is predisposed to torture others, but Girlie is an instigator and we loved carrying out her crazy schemes. Which I will not detail here upon advice of legal counsel.

Cece's tolerance for alcohol is lower than mine, which is kind of sad but also really cute. Most fetuses can hold their booze better than this girl. Once she turns bright red you know it's time to switch to water. Remember coming to visit me at the deli counter during the Calobo concert? Um, yeah...

Cece and I took a class together called "Social Problems" and spent much of our lecture time swooning over CW and giggling. I literally remember nothing from this class in terms of actual lessons or case studies.

Cece is an excellent mom to two fabulous kids, Memphis and Grayson. You can read all about them here: or click on the link at the bottom of the page. An expert multi-tasker, Cece works full time, is devoted to her entire family and still finds time to maintain friendships with people all over the planet. Even if we go a month or two between chats, we pick right up where we left off.

Cece, I'm pouring out some jungle juice for you (and Biggie, of course) today and hope the coming year brings more laughter, adventure and love to you!


Cecilia said...

Miss Vaughn, I love you! Thanks for the shout out and the memories... I won't be getting all Calobo tonight, as I have to work tomorrow morning, but I will be enjoying a night out with my man (who doesn't dance, for shame!) and being a responsible adult*.

I miss you and wish you could have been there for all 22 chapters of R. Kelly's "Trapped in a Closet" this afternoon. It was fun while it lasted...

Miss you, shmoops, and again -- thanks for the birthday wishes!!!

* Not.

CKD said...

I love that "getting all Calobo" directly translates to "falling down drunk and slurring" or "working at the deli counter."

Cecilia said...

I think it directly translates to "falling down drunk and slurring" AND "working at the deli counter"? Do you remember that some girl asked me if I had been to the tanning salon because I was SO RED?!?!? OMG. I've only been that way one other time. Such. A. Lightweight.

CKD said...

Um, no, I only remember flinging mustard around while singing my special "Deli Girl" song. What a train wreck! So glad I've grown up since then. And by that I mean, I drink wine instead of jungle juice or Natty Light.

Yes, my parents are really excited about the money they spent on my education.