Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Like Forrest Gump, but with a Higher IQ

Today began in an unusual way for me: I went for a run before work. No one was chasing me. No, seriously. And it was great.

I didn't break any records or push myself especially hard, but I felt incredibly happy and remembered why I loved running when I was a kid: that endorphin high had me giddy and much happier than usual first thing in the morning. Taking better care of myself physically has become a priority over the last few months. After recovering from The Time When I was Coughing Uncontrollably and Throwing Up and Losing Consciousness in Public (aka Fall 2007) I realized the need to take better care of this body. And I need to be able to keep up with Evan because Homeboy can move.

Sadly, my blissful state was interrupted by the harsh reality of work, office politics, and clashing personalities, and I am even more motivated to keep this up and start each day fresh and full of energy. I know I'll need it if the rest of the week is like today.

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