Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm OK, You Worry Too Much

Sometimes my sarcastic nature and desire to diffuse tough times with humor freaks people out. My recent posts have included references to Miss Havisham, flipping men like houses and general tendencies toward the way of the Crazy Cat Lady. While I have good and bad days since I am a human being, I am doing great. Really.

Really, CKD? If you're doing so great, why the need to post about it? Oh, she doth protest too much? Well, fine, believe I'm on the brink of a nervous breakdown if that makes you feel better. If anything the last six weeks have taught me that I have an amazing support system. People have reached out and offered comfort in the form of drinks, late-night chats, visits and ass-kickings. The last time I checked I have four amazing parents, friends all over the globe sending me good wishes, plenty of food, a job, and a roof over my head. It could be a lot worse.

So, thank you, truly, for the inquiries and words of encouragement. I'm sorry if I needlessly worried anyone about my state of mind. As Evan would say when he falls down, "I'm OK! I brush it off!"

But come on, guys, when have I not been a little dramatic? You know better than that.


FraochNiCymru said...

But.. but... we LIKE to worry!!

Okay, thats a lie. But we just want you to be you, whatever flavor of the day that is.

CKD said...

Thanks! And I appreciate that I am free to be who I am. Just hope I'm not painting a bleak picture out here!