Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday FraochNiCymru aka "Because liberals and conservatives CAN be friends!"

I wasn't so sure that today's birthday girl would want a blog shout-out from me, but I was happy when I got the go-ahead. We met during my time on the East Coast and our friendship got off to a rocky start to say the least. It was sort of like an episode of Three's Company in terms of misunderstandings, but no one was pretending to be gay. (And I'm using her Internet pseudonym since she works in a, uh, sensitive office and I don't want any Google searches leading The Man here.) When I was headed back to California, she happened to email me to say hello and the ensuing conversations led to an interesting "come to Jesus" type of talk, a newfound understanding of each other, and an unlikely friendship at a time when I was looking for good signs anywhere.

Cym is a fierce mother lioness who will fuck your shit up if you dare mess with her family. For reals you guys. Just don't even try. I hope that if I am fortunate enough to have kids I will find that kind of strength to deal with any crap anyone throws at them.

Cym has this weird notion that she isn't girlie or a fashionable or some such silliness, but on a few occasions when I have posed a question about an outfit this chick has rolled up with advice that makes me feel dumb because it's so simple. But mostly I am grateful I asked and that she shared.

Cym sometimes says the hard stuff you don't want to hear. And as much as we all need the hold-your-hand-and-nod-sympathetically-friends, sometimes we need the kick-in-the-butt friends. (For the record, many of my friends can fall into this category, but this seems to be her specialty.) Hearing the hard stuff isn't always pretty but it's necessary.

Cym showed up at a transitional "WTF?" time in my life and encouraged me to keep on being me, having fun, and exploring all of the new options ahead. Yes, A LOT of people did this, but as someone who had very little interaction with me, she suggested things no one else had, and the possibilities opened me up in a new way.

Cym is an amazing writer. When she finally writes her memoirs or a novel or SOMETHING I will so be first in line at her book signings and readings because that shit is gonna be hilaaaaarious. I cannot drink anything while reading her emails because of too many close calls with coffee out the nose. You've been warned.

Cym, I am holding you to your promise of a West Coast visit and you will need to prep the guest room (and most of Northern VA) when I find my way back there. Stockpile the wine now! And enjoy your day - I'm toasting you from out here.

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