Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's Raining, It's Pouring, This Post is Really Boring

And whiny.

It's the 2009 edition of "Being Sick is for Crap" so settle on in for some bitching and moaning because OH MY GOD I HATE HATE HATE BEING SICK.

You know that stereotype that men are the worst when it comes to illness? All helpless and baby-like? Well, I challenge all the males of the world to a showdown in that department. Something about sleep deprivation coupled with an inability to breathe brings out my most charming qualities: self-pity mixed with exhaustion and hint of "fuck-off-no-not-really-can-you-get-me-some-soup-please-don't-leave-meeeeee." I'm hungry, but I don't know what I want. I'm thirsty, but I don't want water, juice or tea, damn it. I'm tired but can't relax and get to sleep. It's adorable, really.

The weather is most definitely conducive to a day of staying inside under a blanket. At the same time, the weather is depressing me because if I'm sick on a nice day, I somehow muster the energy to face the world and that seems to help my mental health, if not the physical. If you have any hints on feeling better in a hurry, please send them my way. Along with some soup. And an US magazine, if it's not too much trouble. Thanks.

I think the only thing that can help me is a hot toddy and a pedicure. Ladies?

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