Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Slowly Crushing My Mother's Dreams

Since I am nowhere remotely near planning a for reals wedding, I find it fun to play the "If I Were Getting Married" game. Why is it more fun now? Because there's no prospective groom to fight with. Much easier when you take that other person's opinions out of the equation. Feel free to play along at home. Already married? Turn it into "If I Had to Do It All Over Again" and have some fun!

My game is more of an exercise in "Oh hell no, I am NOT (fill in the blank here)." For example:

1.) There will be no reaching up my dress to pull something off my leg so that it can be flung into a crowd. In front of my relatives.
2.) Sliding, Electric or otherwise, is prohibited. "The Macarena" can bite me. I'll compromise on the Chicken Dance, but as a rule I am opposed to choreographed dances. Unless we are reenacting a scene from Footloose and then it's fine.
3.) A white dress? Really? No.
4.) There will be no teasing of hair or crazy updo. This is not the Country Music Awards.

And then there's the "Yeah, we are TOTALLY (fill in the blank here)." For example:

1.) REO Speedwagons's "Take it on the Run" will be featured at some point. You won't know when or where but it's coming.
2.) Do a keg stand and take home a "prize" off the gift table.
3.) There will be a karaoke machine so my cousin Nichole can do her "metal scream" and I can prove that among the Ruiz cousins I am the quiet, shy one.
4.) Two words: Dance Off.

Obviously, an open bar with top shelf hooch and the best dance music ever are a given. Come on. You're familiar with my work.


AlexJB said...

aside from your "i dance like elaine from seinfeld" photo shot there, i'm all behind you defazio!

i think that instead of (ok, *maybe* in addition to...) projected slideshows of you and the groom as children, you should play select scenes from footloose, Rocky Horror Picture Show style. care to guess who would be in the lead roles?

CKD said...

It's a rule: You are not officially married/the reception has not officially started until I do the "Elaine" dance. If we're really tight pals, you might get some African Anteater Ritual action.

OMG, I love that idea! You can totally plan my imaginary wedding to my imaginary fiance.

AlexJB said...

you know, a lot of couples sweat the quality of the food, and end up paying a premium per-plate. i think a lot of that cash could be better spent on "top shelf hooch" !

CKD said...

That's what I'm talking about! Eat before you get there. It's like going to the bars: you have to plan ahead. Wow, I am the classiest person ever.

Anonymous said...

I think you should have a potluck and end the invitations with "Enjoy the hooch or BYOB, beyotches!"

Rico said...

Hmmm, as I recall they did play the "Macarena" at my wedding and you enjoyed it. Don't make dig up the photos and post them!

CKD said...

Sshhh! You are casting doubt on my cred!

I only remember dancing to Outkast and discussing my hair with Mark Ward. What? Why? Of course.

Oh, and watching Victor spin Patty and thinking, "I need to be friends with THAT guy!"

nichole said...

Are you implying that I am louder then you?! Yes I do have a kick ass metal scream, but when it comes to kareoke i prefer Janis Joplin as no one can F that up. I do a mean Bobby McGee. However I do not blieve that I am the loudest. Have you met a fellow by the name of Thomas, as in the Uncle? loudest? you are crazy!

CKD said...

Nichole Marie, you are the loudest AND the bossiest of the Cousins(the Uncles are a different story) and we all love you. Don't fight it. Don't try to deny it.