Monday, July 28, 2008

You Can Keep Your Raindrops on Roses

Fun fact: Oprah and I share a birthday. It's not today or anything, but I joke that I should get to be friends with her and score free stuff since I, too, have a list of My Favorite Things. I am a self-proclaimed Product Whore and my bathroom cabinets are a thing to behold. Think of it as a "greatest hits" version of Sephora, Origins, Kiehls and Target. Mama likes to mix it up.

Wearing a uniform from age six to fourteen meant I didn't really discover fashion until rather late in the game. It took me awhile to figure out what actually looks decent on me and find my own style rather than try to emulate someone else...and then get depressed because it didn't look good on me. Sometimes I want to go back in time and reassure teenage me that everything will be OK. Other times I want to tell teenage me to sack up and get over it.

Because I know you care, here are some of My Favorite Things:

Bumble+bumble Sunday Shampoo: Yes, this stuff will set you back but a bottle will last you forever (especially my fellow short-hair types) and this stuff is phenomenal if you suffer from product build up. Use it once a week or so and your product-addled locks will love you.

Cetaphil Gentle Face Wash: I have been using this stuff since I was 12 and swear by it, especially if you have sensitive skin, which I do. Everything makes me break out into a rash except for this stuff. You can find it at any drugstore and it's gentle enough to be used on eye make-up. Who doesn't love something that does double-duty?

Purpose Daily Moisturizer SPF 15: Like the Cetaphil, this stuff has been a constant companion of mine since the early 90's. And I am convinced it is the reason I still get carded at the age of 30. And of course, totally safe for you sensitive skin types.

Clinique Almost Lipstick in "Black Honey": Universally flattering shade and I gots to send a shout-out to Elisabeth for turning me on to this stuff. A sheer berry color, it looks great on me, Elisabeth, my mom and my stepmom. None of us have remotely similar coloring. Magic! Perfect for day and you can layer a shimmery gloss over it for evening for a little extra somethin' somethin'.

BCBG Black Dress and Red Pashmina, Circa 1999: I bought this dress and wrap as a big splurge for my friend Michelle's wedding ages ago. It has become a go-to in my wardrobe and a "lucky dress" of sorts.* No, not because of that you perv, but because when I wear it to a wedding the couple lives happily ever after (right Michelle? Rico & Beth? B&G?), and you can dance in it all night. This number has seen me through some weight ups-and-downs and I always feel hot in it. Nine years after its initial purchase I still get compliments. Bonus: the fabric cleans beautifully in case you spill red wine on it...not that I would. And I don't care what some trendy magazine says: pashminas are always "in" and red is classic.

Doc Marten Boots, Circa 1993: These shoes were the bane of my friend Kelly's existence. She tried to convince me not to buy them in the middle of Macy's shoe department about a month before sophomore year started. I ignored her pleas of, "Don't do it! They are SO UGLY!" as she held up pair after pair of Timberlands as examples of acceptable boot options. Sorry, Belles. I still have them. I don't wear them every day anymore but they are fabulous for concerts, especially if I want to retire the preppy/girlie look and unleash my inner badass rocker chick. Maybe I'll wear them tomorrow just to keep the crew around here guessing.

Anything I Have Ever Purchased from Anthropologie, Ever: Does any of their stuff go out of style? No. Should I own all of it? YES. Especially this sweet little frock:

So there you go, Interweb. You want to be like me? Here you go. Go forth and buy stuff!

*I have an unlucky red dress which results in the couple separating and/or ending up in counseling weeks after the honeymoon. It has been retired from the wedding rotation.


Lady Goss Goss said...

Remember that time your dad took a teenaged you shopping and you had a breakdown, crying, "They don't fit!" I'm glad those days are over. But it was a funny story at the time.

CKD said...

Teen angst mixed with PMS in a West Seal dressing room never leads to anything good. I'm glad those days are over, too!