Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Year in Review

January: Evan turned 2 and we celebrated with an Elmo-themed birthday party. I turned 30 and we celebrated with a booze-themed birthday party.

February: Quit my job working for Satan and felt instantly better about life. Went to my first bachelor party.

March: Moved across the country.

April: Partied it up Puge-style at Boy Chris and Katie's wedding in Pasadena. Attended Lili's baby shower and predicted she was having a girl.

May: My Grandma Pat passed away. Juno was born one week later. Her birth and the joy and anticipation surrounding it cushioned the loss tremendously.

June: Moved across the country again. Lost about 10 lbs. Started this blog.

July: Started a new job and met my friend Katie.

August: Celebrated Kim and Justin's marriage in Portland. Had the crap scared out of me when Dad was hospitalized briefly. Was incredibly thankful for Dad's speedy recovery and subsequent good health.

September: Spent some quality time with Dad and the family. Celebrated Brad and Gustavo's marriage...for the third time. It doesn't get old; those guys throw a rad party.

October: Went to Pasadena and am thinking about moving there. Met Juno and fell in love at first sight. Went to San Diego and am thinking about moving there.

November: Welcomed Rico home from Iraq and learned that he and Beth are making me an auntie again.

December: Took a fantastic trip to New York. Reflected on the amazing surprises, blessings and gifts this last year brought me. Started thinking about grad school, next career move and where I want to land for awhile. Celebrated both the passing of one incredible year and the hope and excitement of a new year with family and friends.

Here's to 2009 kicking the ass of 2008! Be safe, be happy, and cheers to you!

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