Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's Not Me, It's You

Summer, you know I love you. Flip-flops, trips to the beach, barbecues. We've had some good times, but frankly, you've been a bit of a bitch this year and I need to break it off. I mean, what the hell was up with the month of June? And the fires? Putting my respiratory system at risk for infection did nothing to endear you to me.

Sure, we turned it around in July and August was pretty great. But we can't go on like this: me all sweaty and going into shock from the heat outside to the cold air conditioning inside. It's not healthy.

Much as I love you, we know I'm not in love with you. My heart really belongs to Fall. I look better in the colors and it's acceptable to be pasty. Plus, I have some scarves that are dying to see the light of (shorter) days. I hope you'll understand.



Lady Goss Goss said...

I am so with you! Everyone I know wants to hang on to summer, but I say "Screw that!" Fall and winter are my homies.

CKD said...

I hear ya. But you know come March if it's still cloudy I'll be all, "Spring! Where ARE you?"