Monday, September 15, 2008

Shock and Awwww Yeah

Me: "...and she's all freaked out because a week earlier we were partying it up and dancing in a cage and she had no idea."

Him: "Hold up. You were what?"

Me: "Well, you know, drinking and we went out dancing."

Him: "No, back up. You were dancing in a cage?"

Me: "What, I was, like, 22. It wasn't my job or anything."

Him: "Are there pictures of this?"

Me: "I don't think so. But you're talking to the girl who woke up on top of the covers in her underwear with a bruise on her forehead from hitting it on the toilet. So, there totally could be. I have no idea."

Him: "I'm going to Google your name and cage dancing."

Me: "Go for it. And let me know if you find pictures of me and another girl in an elevator in Vegas this year."

Him: *Stares in silence without blinking*

Me: "OK, I can explain that one - "

Him: "Don't. I want to be surprised."


Anonymous said...

...and this is why I love you! Thanks for the morning giggles on this gray Midwest Monday!

P.S. Three words: Big Dipper Reenactment. I think there might have been a sombrero, too.

CKD said...

Big Dipper...teehee. We are so lucky we didn't crack our heads open. Silly girls!

Mo said...

If I ever happen to sit next to some Hollywood producer on some plane somewhere, I am going to tell him he has to make a movie about your life! I think you already have the actress picked out to play you anyway!
Funny stuff C!

CKD said...

Who will we get to play you for the 21st birthday cable car scene? If we're doing a movie about my life, we have to include that!

Mo said...

John Cusack, of course.
"I gave you my heart and you gave me a pen."

dermotandjenny said...

Sounds a little like my weekend.

CKD said...

Mo: Cusack...I can see it. You have the quiet thing going on.

Circlestar: We know that you will play David Lee Roth in the movie of his life.

BandonRandon said...

ok this made me laugh extremely hard!