Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wherein I Act Like It's 1993 Up in Here

Did you see 90210 last night? I did! Within the first three minutes the words "Donna Martin Graduates!" were uttered and I almost snorted Sauvignon Blanc out my nose. If someone mentions throwing another person down the stairs like Donna I may suffer a stroke from the sheer awesome cheesiness.

We also know the identity of Kelly's baby daddy. I totally called it! Not sure if I should actually be proud of that, but let me have my small victories, OK?

It's so funny how my ritual of sitting down to watch this show has remained eerily similar to when I was 14, but with some small tweaks. When I was a kid, I'd hunker down with some cookies or ice cream. Now? Wine. And maybe some cookies or ice cream. Don't look at me like that.

PS No, every Wednesday will not be a 90210-related post. Don't give up on us, Baby.

1 comment:

BandonRandon said...

I can proudly say that I have never seen 90210. The closest thing to it was when I had a random guy explain to me that he couldn't take his photo because he was an actor on that show. (NOTE: the guy wasn't really an actor he was just trying to be "clever)