Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where is Emily Post When I Need Her?

Interesting etiquette dilemma and I am seeking your advice. Yes, you.

So, I love Facebook and am open to being friends with people from my current social circle and I joined my high school alumni group. It's been fun to reconnect and hear what's new and exciting. I try not to be a total Facebook whore, but I have yet to receive an invitation that made me uneasy. Until now.

Recently I have received two requests from people I don't know. One is a friend of a friend, but I have never met the requestor. While I'm sure he's not out to harvest my organs or something, it just strikes me as odd that he would do this. The mutual friend isn't someone I've been in touch with since college, anyway, so it's not like we're all going to get together and have coffee any time soon. The second person and I share a last name, but I have never seen nor heard of this woman in my life. She appears to be roughly my age, and when I looked up her other friends, I could see there are many others with our shared last name. I'm pretty sure she assumed we are related (and we could be - I'm not in touch with any extended family on my dad's dad's side), and just added me.

So, do I hit "Ignore" and call it good? Do I send these people a message explaining my uneasiness? Or do I open myself up to the possibilities that these people could bring great, unexpected joy into my life and hit "Accept" and go from there?

To all the FB haters out there: Yes, I know...this is lame and what I get for being there in the first place...blah blah. Save it.

Any advice? I feel like I need to acknowledge these people for some reason, but how? And why do I feel that way? Oh yes, because when you get down to it I'm a people-pleaser and cannot stand the idea that someone - even a complete stranger - may view me as rude. That's right.


Anonymous said...

If you "ignore" them, they don't get a note that says "Hey, loser, we don't want your kind around these parts!" If you're not comfortable with the friend request, ignore 'em.

This coming from the girl who blocked her FB stalker after his third friend request... (BTW, if you block 'em, they can't even search you on FB. Just a thought.)

CKD said...

Thanks, Sugar! You are the oracle of FB!

kellygirl said...

Ignore, Ignore, Ignore! I also got a request from someone who went to HS with "someone" from Middle school, who happens to work with "someone" from high school. They saw me on both lists and asked to be a friend. There is so much personal info on FB (photos, etc) that I wouldn't be comfortable with anyone I didn't know (and then some that I do know) as a friend.

But, if it is a guy and he is hot, then I change my mind!

nichole said...

ignore. but i am not the friendliest of friendly either. who cares if he thinks or a total bitch, you will never be in contact with him again. ignore with a note that states " i know nothing of who you are, you could be a serial killer or a nice guy. either way your not worth the chance." did i mention people often refer to me as the biggest bitch they have ever met? maybe this is why?

Southern Helle said...

Hit ignore and don't look back. People like that either have 2000 friends or are creeps. You don't need either in your life! (especially since you and I have already had our fair share of the creeps!)

Unknown said...


Here's an appropriate quote from a UK book (it's meant to be humor):

"SAY HELLO TO A STRANGER EVERY DAY - Now, you don’t have to be Stephen Hawking to work out why this is a bad idea — nutters. Nutters everywhere.

There are some idealistic, dreamy people who believe that being more open and friendly to strangers could result in a chance meeting with someone who could change their life. Well, they might be right. Stabbed by a random nutter — how’s that for a change?"

CKD said...

I think the comment section just got better than my actual blog.

Kelly: I'm telling Duane! Only I'm totally not.

Nichole: The bitchy Ruiz cousins have to stick together.

Roadtripper8: No joke. If that one got past the radar, the randoms can't be much better.

KorpsKanzler: I'm totally buying you a round...of bacon? I don't know, but that made me laugh so hard.

BandonRandon said...

I usually give people the benefit of the dough and send them a "Hi, do i know you message." The user then has 24 hours to respond with either an amazing story about how they were at a party that I totally don't remember, are married to my best friends sister, or any other reason why I should care to be their friend. If they fail, they also fail to be my friend. Thems the rules.