Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What to Wear Wednesday. Or Something Like That?

It's no secret that I like to tell people what to do and think my official title should be The Boss of You. We can blame it on being an only child for close to 28 years. Or being my mother's daughter.

With some prodding from FraochNiCymru, I am starting up a little advice column...but with a specific purpose. Can you guess what it is?

Well, I'll give you a hint:

Anyone who owns this much lip gloss knows her shit.

And anyone who owns THIS should not be ignored.

I know what you may be thinking. Aren't you the girl perpetually covered in crumbs? Didn't you used to have feathered bangs? And isn't there a picture of you in your high school yearbook sporting a top from Wet Seal with a matching fucking scrunchie? Yes, I will own up to all of the above. Let's just look past all that and move forward, mmmk?

Here is how this works: you send me a fashion or beauty related question and I answer it on Wednesday*. The more details you include, the better chance I have of providing actual help. Simple enough, right? Let's do this! Your questions could be about what to wear for a specific event, the right moisturizer for your skin, or ideas on how to use your new green clutch that doesn't "go" with anything else in your closet. You can email me or leave a question in the comments section.

Hit me with your best shot.

*Why Wednesday? Because it's Hump Day and that cracks me up. Don't look at me like that. This isn't parenting advice or finishing school, OK?


Southern Helle said...

I thought island Wednesday was cool... but hot guys AND fashion/beauty advice?!? Woot!

CKD said...

Word! Wow, I didn't even think about that...and I wasn't trying to copy you this time :) Wednesdays are the best day ever now!

Southern Helle said...

Best. Day. Ever! Take that, VH-1!