Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just, You Know...Some Stuff

-Co-sleeper thingy has been procured for Miss Juno's sleeping comfort. Who is the best Auntie? Say it! SAY MY NAME!

-Menu preparations for Eating Fest 2008, Starring CKD and Lili, are underway as well. Just need to find some stretchy pants...

-I love Halloween and this time of year, but could really do without all the scary movies on TV all the time. Really, this delicate flower cannot handle it. Please make it stop. Thanks.

-My recent moods could only be described as "freakshow" if one needed to classify them. PMS+Visitor Anticpation=Weepy, Easily Excited Disaster. Lili is long accustomed to my crazy but poor Juno has no idea what's in store. I mean, babies in general can reduce me to tears so let's throw in some hormonal imbalance and see what happens!

-Who has two thumbs and is having a morning of beauty and pampering tomorrow? *Points to self* THIS girl!

-OH! Is it just me or is Robert Downey Jr getting hotter by the minute? Iron Man indeed.


Juno C Fleetfoot said...

You rock! Miss Juno and I are very low maintenance house guests. For her-milk bags please! For me- any wine will do! Can't wait to see you!

CKD said...

"Milk bags" makes me giggle. What is up, 7th grade?

Mo said...

I just have to say that I love the name Juno and she is adorable.

CKD said...

Yeah, I'm kinda in love with her already. Funny thing is, Lili had always liked that name, then the movie came out...they went for it anyway but everyone thinks she's named after a fictional pregnant teenager. Not so much.

I love her whole name: Juno Constance Fleetfoot.

BandonRandon said...

i think my favorite part of this entry is "I love Halloween and this time of year" opposed the the Halloween not this time of year? I'll see what I can do about the movies on tv though.

CKD said...

I meant that I love Fall and the start of the holiday season, you little smart ass! ;)

Leather Peacock said...

Yes, Robert Downey Jr just keeps getting hotter and hotter. Not a comic book geek but I own Iron Man just for him.