Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I May Never Leave

Have I mentioned how freakishly awesome Boy Chris and Katie are? Allow me to do that once again. I've been having a crappy week and Boy was there with encouragement and support and BEER. Lots and lots of beer (see yesterday's post for proof of that) and jokes and fist bumps. I may move in here and let them adopt me. Kendrick and I watched the debate while they grilled our dinner. Wong came over, which meant I tackled him at the front door and we headed out to the bars. Again. Boy Chris and I regaled him with tales of our youth (ie, "Dude, this one time, I was drunk, and there were some firecrackers...") and I'm fairly certain Wong is going to provoke me to fight just so he can see me take a swing at someone.

This morning I awoke to Katie's greeting of, "Good morning, Sunshine!" and FRESH BAKED CROISSANTS, courtesy of Boy. Needless to say, my week is turning around.

I love it here. Send my shoes and forward my mail.

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