Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Burning Questions

Why don't I own a flask?

Who would play me in the movie version of my life?

Why don't I own leather pants?

How much would drum lessons cost?

And how about tap dancing, too?

Who decided to cancel Arrested Development?

Can someone around here get me a whiskey sour? Please?


Unknown said...

Flask: A camel-back is capable of so much MORE.

Movie: Tilda Swinton

Pants: They're damned uncomfortable and make you sweaty wet - and not in the good way.

Drum: $135 - but wait! There's More!

Tap: Not much apparently.

Arrested Development: Marketing.

Whiskey Sour:

CKD said...

I love your resourceful, ca-do attitude. You're going places, Kid.

CKD said...

Sorry, that was supposed to be CAN-do, with the "n." Way to proofread, English major!

AlexJB said...

Blogger KorpsKanzler said...
Flask: A camel-back is capable of so much MORE.

??!?! a flask has WAY more style. and the way CKD rolls, it seems much more appropriate for her to have one, perenially at the ready, mid-thigh held in place with a garter that *looks* like lace, but is actually made from an old inner tube (no point in losing your flask when you start flinging limbs about pell mell).

when's your birthday, ckd? i see a cute leather-bound monogrammed number in your future....

CKD said...

I ALWAYS wanted to be able to bust out a flask from under my skirt and have some cute garter holding it in place, and be all casual about it. Like, "Oh, yes, I just have this on me and always ready to GET THE PARTY STARTED!"

Camelbacks seem like a reasonable option for casual day-drinking, though.

January 29.

Unknown said...

How aboot this ensemble:

Unknown said...

Perfect flasks for your garter-holster: