Monday, August 4, 2008

Viva Las Vegas! Oh, and Mom and Dave, too.

Today is Mom and Dave's 6th wedding anniversary. After 18 years of togetherness and a two week engagement (during which time I circulated pregnancy rumors) we jetted off to Vegas with a handful of friends for the world's most low-key wedding. Why make it official after so long? Tax breaks, people. My parents are nothing if not practical. And they kind of like each other too.

I convinced my mom at the last minute to get some flowers, just because it felt like we were running an errand and we needed to girl it up a bit. Dave's good friends Kurt and Mike showed up as a surprise, which was great fun. I'm glad they made it not only because they are cool guys, but because Mike hooked us up with a poolside cabana at the Four Seasons. Princess Christen could stand to roll like that all the time.

The weekend was not without a bit of drama: someone who shall remain me managed to faint in the airport en route to Vegas...and was denied the ability to board a flight for the rest of the day. After riding in an ambulance with the most attractive paramedic I have ever seen in real life, I was deemed dehydrated, given an IV and released. Still made it to Vegas in time for the wedding and acted as the official witness for the big event. Way to rally!

Here's a tip for all of you: when you call your mom from an emergency room the day before her wedding to tell her you lost consciousness and hit your head, expect a little bit of freaking out.

I'm not sure what the official anniversary gift is for six years so I am gifting my parents with my unconditional love and an Interweb shout-out. Go Team!


Unknown said...

Wait, didn't you previously faint and get paramediced on a previous flight?

Is this a new CKD trend?

CKD said...

This was the first airport/airplane related incident.

Rico said...

Which incident had the paramedic that looked like me?

CKD said...

The incident ON the plane, which means it was a flight attendant, not a paramedic :) That was so scary, but I totally remember thinking, "He looks like Rico. I'm gonna be OK."