Monday, August 11, 2008

I'd Like to Make it One Degree...

Yesterday was possibly the laziest day I've had in months. I don't feel the least bit guilty as I have been uber-productive since I returned home. Thankfully basic cable programming knew I was hanging in my jammies, just hoping for one of my guilty pleasure movies. TNT did not disappoint: A Few Good Men was on. Everyone always talks about the climactic courtroom scene and freaks out when Jessup admits he ordered the Code Red...yeah, yeah. Great. I mean, I loves me some Jack Nicholson; who doesn't? But damn, if the sight of Kevin Bacon in a uniform doesn't get me every time. You'd think my love would fade over time, but no. What we have is pure and true and totally in my head. Don't judge me.

And I've decided I'm going to start referring to my friend Jon Kendrick as Lieutenant Kendrick all the time. I'm sure he'll love it.


Unknown said...

CKD said...

This is eerily similar to my prom when our whole school broke into a choreographed dance routine.