Friday, August 1, 2008

Want Some Cheese and Crackers with That Whine?

So, I'm supposed to start the South Beach Diet soon, and Mama is having some issues with the "forbidden" foods in Phase I. No brie, bread, or pasta (among other things) for two weeks. And of course, no booze. People are going to think I'm pregnant if I start turning down drinks. I think I'll say I'm on antibiotics to treat VD and need to abstain. Have a little fun with it.

Once I start this I'll send up some sort of warning flare because you know I'm going to be a bitch (more so than usual) if I can't have some of my favorite things. Seems fair to give the world a heads-up.

Thankfully, coffee is allowed. Can you even imagine? The people at Cal Java would send out a search party if they didn't see me a few times a week.

I really shouldn't complain about this. My cholesterol level is pretty out of control and while I'm not eating mayonnaise out of the jar or anything, I could stand to make some changes. But I think I will start after my trip to Portland. No reason to set myself up for failure.


AlexJB said...

"I think I'll say I'm on antibiotics to treat VD and need to abstain."

... i like you, defazio. you're sassy.

CKD said...

I KNEW you would appreciate that!

Mo said...

I did the diet a couple of years back. Tough for a mexican to give up tortillas for a couple of weeks (I refuse to eat wheat tortillas). Im considering doing it again and have started a modified version...let me know if you want to start a support group!