Monday, August 18, 2008

Now If I Can Just Figure Out Where the Bruises Came From...

Here's a summary of my weekend as recorded by me on various cocktail napkins and pieces of paper. This will be funny to about four people, but whatever.

"Fine. I'm fine. It's FINE."

"She has three kids. Leah, Maggie and the other one."

"PF Chang's is known for its slutty fortune cookies."

"We're total locals!"

'Why you gotta throw down challenges? You know we'll meet them."

"You don't understand. I'm about to find out who the fifth cylon is!"
"If I didn't like you so much I'd be embarrassed to know you."

"The IOC is pretty gangsta."

"Remember DSC? Down syndrome cat? We called her that because she looked like a cat with Down Syndrome."

Things are a little nutty in the life of CKD so more details - and hopefully photos - will be available soon. The weekend was pretty fantastic and love was in the air. That, and the smell of tequila. Same thing in my world!


Dani said...


Cecilia said...

If I'm not mistaken, didn't DSC hang out with Roundhead, who earned this name for having a head shaped like a basketball?!?!?

CKD said...

YES! And we discussed Roundhead, too! I almost snorted my margarita out of my nose laughing about that stuff. Ah, good stuff.

JenPelletier said...

Seriously, I am a little embarrased by your Battlestar Gallactica affinity. But I think it's balanced out by your willingness to switch fortunes with me and praise my usually bad driving all weekend.

CKD said...

Do NOT be hatin' on the BSG, Hen. Have you ever watched it? It's good stuff. I was skeptical too but I am hooked.