Thursday, August 28, 2008

Oh God I Hope She Doesn't Write About Her Period Again

Hey, remember that time I regaled you with tales of cramps? Yeah. Well, Normal Christen is here, so we can go back to discussing my hair and drinking. Comforting, no?

Last night I was watching the Democratic National Convention and I momentarily flashed back to being 10 and annoyed when regular TV was pre-empted for all of the boring speeches and I knew Dukakis wasn't going to be president anyway, so why were we watching this stuff? Kind of funny what childhood stuff sticks and what doesn't. Anyway, I enjoy "the boring speeches" now and hearing Biden and Obama talk just got me all excited for the future because I am an optimist and idealist at heart. I got all fired up and wanted to yell out "Steve Holt!"* but refrained.

My conversation with Dad was cut short last night by the sounds of screams coming from a certain toddler who, from what I could gather, was refusing to put on his jammers and begin The Bedtime Routine. That aside, my dad sounds about a jabillion times better than he did a week ago and our whole family appreciates the concern and love you've been showing. Interweb, you're aces.

I'm on the hunt for black knee-high boots, ideally sexy enough to rock on the weekends, but classy enough that I could wear them to work, too. So if you see any could you let me know? Thanks.

Steve Holt!

*If you get that reference, please let me know so we can make out or something.


Southern Helle said...

I know it is from Arrested Development... but I cheated and googled it. What's that get me?

CKD said...

Ha! Love the honesty there. Um, I don't know...a photo of John Stamos for your locker?

Southern Helle said...

Yay! And they say cheaters never win.. ha!

CKD said...

We'll call it "research" in this case. Crap, now I need to find a locker-worthy shot of Uncle Jesse.