Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Michelle! aka "We can party at your place, right?"

My friend Michelle had what all college freshman covet: her own place off-campus. We met during Orientation, but didn't see each other for awhile after that. While hanging with Boy Chris, Jared and Todd (God, what happened to that guy?), I kept hearing about this really cool girl named Michelle and we were finally re-introduced and started hanging out more. This was an excellent development in my life.

Michelle is an excellent cook and often hosted Thursday night dinner/Friends/Seinfeld/ER nights at her home.

Michelle will give you a ride to or from the airport - even really early in the morning - and will be really nice and chipper the entire time.

Michelle routinely allowed us to trash the aforementioned off-campus house and took good care of us whenever we got sick. And boy did we!

Michelle has an amazing tolerance for alcohol for being such a tiny person.

Michelle will listen to your latest dating drama but won't say stupid crap like, "There's someone out there for you!" and other lame cliches. Her husband also gets some credit here for offering to beat up for New Year's date after he acts like a total jerk.

Michelle doesn't like it when you mention that she kind of looks like "MIchelle the band camp geek from American Pie" but thinks it's funny when you say her husband Cameron looks like Stifler.

Michelle takes parenting seriously, but not, like, annoying seriously. Her son Hayden is a good kid.

One of my resolutions over the next year is to visit friends and reconnect with the people in my life who I haven't seen in awhile. Michelle, you're on that list. Prepare to get all 1997 up in here!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW, so sweet you are. All such nice things to say and like 1/2 of them are sorta true! ;-) What great memories....and you better come visit soon. The spare room is calling your name. Thanks for the kind words and thanks for always being such a wonderful friend to me too. I MISS YOU!